Approaching new people at conference and tradeshows can be very nerve racking for most people. Most of us are not natural salesman but we attend conferences to network, expand our circles and grow our leads and business contacts so it is imperative we learn the basics on How to network at trade shows and conferences to make sure we make the best of our time there and can network efficiently with the right people. How to network at trade shows and conferences

Remember why everyone is there
Remember that everyone as the conference or tradeshow is there for the same reason you are. They are looking to learn and meet with other liked minded individuals in their field. They are looking to meet you as much as you are looking to meet them. There is no need to ask for explicit permission to talk to attendees during the networking hours, just be sure to be courteous and make and effort to find your tribe to make sure there are common interests
Look for the right opportunity
Meeting a new person can happen at any point but if approaching strangers is not your thing, try to start chatting up other folks in the sessions or classes provided at the conferences. This is a nice way to ensure you are in a group of common interests and gives you a good few set of topics to start conversation with. Stick to the topics at hand before exploring other common interests such as work, location or details about their personal life. Lunches also provide a great opportunity to meet new people Try sitting at a table of strangers if possible, instead of folks you already know. This way you get 30 minutes of time while eating to chat up other attendees.
Stick to Common Conversation
It can be easy to avoid all conversation with strangers, but it will take getting out of your comfort zone to really maximize the amount of new people you can network with.
- What brought you to this conference?
- What are you looking to learn?
- Have you been to this conference before?
- What company are you with?
- Where are you from?
Here are some more questions to get you started.
Get ready to share your information
One you have found the right people to network with and made a connection, it is time to swap information to make sure you can keep in touch after the conference. Trading numbers, emails, social profiles or websites are the best way to share information and stay in touch. Be sure to avoid awkwardly sharing your information or sharing the wrong number by using an app to easily share your information like the QRme App. The app can be used easily to share any profile or contact you like by sharing a QR code right from your phone with your new friend. They do not need to install anything and can now easily add your information to their contact list. The app lets you share cell phone numbers, emails and numerous social profiles.

How to network at trade shows and conferences. QR code, QR App for networking, QR Code for networking, How to use QR code for networking, How to use QR Code for networking, How to create your own customized QR code, How to make your own reusable QR code.